Welcome to Cairns and her Kidney
A real life transplant story
It has really been on my heart to try to promote organ donation and raise awareness of chronic kidney disease (CKD). I have experienced first hand the struggles through being diagnosed with renal failure and receiving a transplant, some of which you may not even think of. I wanted to raise awareness sharing my story and real life situations was the best way to do so!
I hope you enjoy reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories so please get in touch!
Let Me Introduce Myself
I'm Megan
I'm 25 and from Northern Ireland. My passions are science (yes I'm a big nerd), powerlifting, baking and music. I got engaged in April after 4 years with my fiance and most importantly I have had a kidney transplant.
I've been thinking of creating a blog for so long but I've been really scared to for so many reasons. I've taken the plunge so this is pretty terrifying for me. I really hope you find it interesting and I hope it sparks conversations about organ donation. If that is the cause then it will all be worthwhile to me.